Work in Progress.
Laura is one of my favorite models... she has a quiet elegance about her.. always earthy, but regal at the same time. She sat for 3 hours for this first sitting. I first sketched her out in charcoal to get the basic shapes and postions, then started in with the darkerst values in broad strokes to lay in color, and began building up the painting. In oils, I work "fat to thin", meaning I begin using thin washes of paint mixed with turpentine, and then as I build the painting, and work up to the lighter colors, I stop using the turp and use Liquin or Linseed oil and work with the paaint in a heavier, thicker way.
I'm getting back to this portrait tomorrow, and can't wait to lay in the flesh tones and paint over this underpainting.. it's like putting frosting on the cake.... pure fun! I'll try to finish it up in one more sitting.. I'll post it again when it's complete.
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